
An Answered Prayer

Back then when they had an altar call at church, I would almost always be in it. I never prayed for money, just peace in my marriage at the time, and for extended patience and strength. Except for this one time during altar call when I was asked, what are you asking God for? Honestly, two seconds before she asked I had no clue why I was up there. I just felt a strong call to go and I did. I was radically obedient to God back then. I wouldn’t ask or hesitate, I would just move. So she asked, ”Sister, what are you asking God for?”. And I responded…

Building & Growing: Learning to Spread Your Wings

During my journey of self-discovery and coaching others, I realized that self-care was an important piece that many women tended to shy away from. For years I believed that self-care equaled selfishness and that just isn’t the case. You can’t pour from an empty cup.
In Mark 12:31, Jesus tells us that we should: 
“Love others in the same way you love yourself.” There are no commandments more important than these.

A New Direction

In the silence, I’ve been slowly finding my voice and re-defining who I am according to who God says that I am. Now for everyone that could mean and be something different. No two people are the same. For some, the process may be quick and easy. For others, it can be quite painful and disruptive. Of course in true Tashauna fashion, my process has been the latter. And in my silence, I realized why the pain and disruption are needed.

A Change In Seasons

I’m not really an emotional person but, these last few weeks have been kind of rough for me. After today my first-born is headed to high school and I’m a nervous wreck.  Last night he came to me and said, “Mom, after tomorrow I won’t be your little boy anymore.” I instantly got choked up…

You’re Never Alone

It took years for me to realize that God never turned his back on me throughout my ordeal, but was in fact there with me all along. It was him who nudged me and gave me that little burst of strength (I passed out and was blocking the door) to move my body so that the firemen and EMS could reach in and drag me off the bathroom floor. It was God, who whispered in my mom’s ear as I was being rushed back to the operating room that I would live and not die.